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Intimacy Frameworks (3q Cohort)

Radically challenge and subvert the false promises of traditional relational frameworks.

Create a new model for relationships that uniquely centers your desires, limits, and body.

Intimacy Frameworks is an ongoing embodied group coaching space for folks who are ready to question and challenge the traditional ways we are taught to be in relationship with ourselves and others.

We will be learning, practicing, and integrating my Intimacy Frameworks model. This framework is a holistic approach to redefining how you want to create and maintain relational structures.

It sits upon six pillars: responsibility, safety & trust, curiosity & unlearning, dynamics & power, vulnerability & authenticity, and presence.

We will meet twice per month for 60-90 minutes. It also includes a Facebook group to ask questions and find deeper connection in a community of like-minded folks.

Each session will offer you a space to receive live coaching as well as guided embodied experiments.

Through these questions and deeper inquiries, we will explore the pillars of the Intimacy Frameworks that extend far deeper than any one person.

We will be exploring how the Intimacy Frameworks can help you hone and refine the desires and limits you have in your relationships.

This process will help you understand the agreements you want to hold, the rules you want to set, and the requests you want to make for yourself as well as your relationships.

You will get clarity, practices, and actionable steps around

  • what you want and what you’re not asking for

  • where and in which relationships you’re enduring

  • saying no and moving beyond the fear, guilt, and shame

  • asking for what you truly want

  • being vulnerable

1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 12 PM ET (60-90 min each)
Starts July 2
Online via Zoom

It is through this framework that we will question how we can be in a place of integrity with ourselves and others.

And to be clear, this space will invite you to challenge and question traditional relational patterns and frameworks that are typically defined by the systems within dominant culture.

This group is designed to bring you into community with other folks who are on a healing journey and are asking similar questions about relationships, overgiving, consent, integrity, and how to find more ease.

We will be in deep embodied practice together and you will discover new ways to be in a fulfilling relationship with yourself, family, partners, and friends.

Intentions of Intimacy Frameworks

  • To radically shift old patterns and beliefs around relationships and what you deserve.

  • To move you into new habits of stepping back from relationships that aren’t fulfilling and stepping toward ones that are.

  • To learn how to create and maintain expansive and generative relationships where desires are celebrated (even ones that aren’t asked for) and limits are honored.

  • To develop, hone, and refine a clear system of values for yourself

  • To deepen your understanding of the Intimacy Frameworks and Agreements and how they can be applied in your real life and relationships.

  • To increase your ability to easily navigate and negotiate giving and receiving.

  • To improve your awareness and skills around saying yes and no.

  • To further hone and refine the nuanced distinctions between wanting, willing, tolerating, and enduring.

  • To get better at facing, navigating, and welcoming conflict.

  • To improve your skills at negotiating desires, limits, and agreements.

  • To increase your capacity to be present with shadow and conflict.

  • To better understand dynamics, power, rank, and privilege and how they are uniquely present and situated in you and your relationship to yourself.

  • To make your relationships with yourself and others more fulfilling and easeful.

What’s going to happen

In each session, we will dive in to look at the unique challenges you’re facing in the frameworks.

You will have space to share, ask questions, and go deeper within.

It is a space that seeks to make it safe enough for all of you to show up with honesty and safety.

It is an emergent process that will follow the curiosities of the group and the questions you raise.

And we’ll be using the Intimacy Frameworks as a map to work through these deep inquiries individually and as a community.

That could include…

  • exploring the macro- and micro-level meanings of the frameworks in our lives and relationships

  • looking at unique challenges that show up for us within specific frameworks

  • examining action steps we can take to move ourselves and our relationships more fully into integrity

  • practices to expand our capacity to hold grief, shame, guilt, and fear

  • experiments to invite intentional vulnerability with ourselves and each other

  • community-building exercises that focus on your desires to show up authentically

  • fishbowl exercises where we dive into specific questions that relate to the group at large

What is included

  • Group coaching calls on Zoom on the 1st and 3rd weeks of each month (60 min each)

  • Video and audio recordings of each Zoom meeting

  • Invitation to Intimacy Frameworks Online Group where you’ll be able to share, ask questions, and celebrate

  • Access to worksheets, videos, and recorded sessions

  • Guided meditations

This is good for folks who want to…

  • Prepare the body, mind, and heart for deeper transformation.

  • Move beyond the fear and shame that show up with our desires and limits.

  • Increase capacity to hold the grief that comes when we say no to people or relationships.

  • Stop overgiving, stop enduring, and stop saying yes to everything.

  • Get better a applying the Intimacy Frameworks to your life and relationships.

  • Learn and integrate the teachings of the Wheel of Consent.

  • Learn highly effective practices in emotional relating, vulnerability, and connection.

  • Experience group spaces and community where you get show up as authentically as you want.

  • Practice asking for what you want and setting limits to what you don’t.

  • Question the old habits, thoughts, beliefs, and projections about relationships.

This group is intended for folks who are already on a path of healing and self-discovery.


Pricing is based on a sliding scale to acknowledge that resources are not distributed fairly between us. Even though money is not the only barrier to entry, I hope that this makes it a little easier for some folks to say yes.

If you can afford to pay more than the base price, please do, there are always people who need it.

If you cannot afford the base price, understand that you are helped and supported by others as part of a sharing community.

Base price: $300 per quarter

Sliding scale: $150 - $450 per quarter

The first 15 signups will get 50% off membership for the first quarter.

How to join

This is an ongoing group with quarterly commitments. There is a quarterly membership fee. After your initial registration payment, you will be on a recurring plan that will be deducted on the first day of each quarter.

New members can join at the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July, and October).

The first 15 signups will get 50% off membership for the first quarter.

Apply here

June 8

Subverting Christianity with Consent and Pleasure